Difference between revisions of "Glamours"

2,040 bytes removed ,  04:50, 5 January 2022
added changelog 2584 along with lots of links and some updates.
(Updating to templated skilltable.)
(added changelog 2584 along with lots of links and some updates.)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{SkillTableRow|Nature|Virtuoso|0|Fool even nature in the open air as a rock or a tree.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Nature|Virtuoso|0|Fool even nature in the open air as a rock or a tree.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Flare|Virtuoso|33|Dazzling fountains of light will stun the eyes.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Flare|Virtuoso|33|Dazzling fountains of light will stun the eyes.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mesmerize|Virtuoso|66|Your gentle, soothing visions lull others into slumber.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mesmerise|Virtuoso|66|Your gentle, soothing visions lull others into slumber.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Statue|Fabled|0|Cast a glamour over yourself to appear as a statue.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Statue|Fabled|0|Cast a glamour over yourself to appear as a statue.}}
{{SkillTableRow|HypnoticPattern|Fabled|33|Your audience will be unable to tear their eyes away.}}
{{SkillTableRow|HypnoticPattern|Fabled|33|Your audience will be unable to tear their eyes away.}}
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[[Image:Glamours.jpg|thumb|Colourburst (by Balizar)]]
[[Image:Glamours.jpg|thumb|Colourburst (by Balizar)]]

|skillname = ColourBurst
|syntax = WEAVE COLOURBURST <target>
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = You can weave light into powerful bursts of prismatic colours, which will confuse and confound your enemies and blister away their flesh. There is also a chance that you will randomly weave a second colour, causing twice the mental chaos. If your victim is not [[blind]], they will take greater damage from indigo colours, and suffer twice the number of colour effects.

* Red: [[Paralysis]]
* Orange: [[Stupidity]]
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
* Yellow: [[Confusion]]
* Green: [[Epilepsy]]
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE COLOURBURST <target></tt>
* Blue: [[Recklessness]]
|style="background:pink"|Damage Type: 100% Magic<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
You can weave light into powerful bursts of prismatic colours, which will confuse and confound your enemies and blister away their flesh. There is also a chance that you will randomly weave a second colour, causing twice the mental chaos. If your victim is not blind, they will take greater damage from indigo colours, and suffer twice the number of colour effects.
* Red: Paralysis
* Orange: Stupidity
* Yellow: Dementia
* Green: Epilepsy
* Blue: Recklessness
* Indigo: Damage
* Indigo: Damage
* Violet: Dizziness
* Violet: [[Paranoia]]

|skillname = Glamour
|syntax = WEAVE GLAMOUR OF <person> ON <target/ME>
|cost = Power: 2 (Any)
|description = You may weave a powerful glamour of surpassing splendour, concealing your features or those around you with those of your favoured one - even emulating the quality of their voice should you deign to speak. Yet this is a fragile glamour, which will only conceal the bearer from the most cursory examination, and will be easily perceived as false with even the slightest movement until the bearer again comes to rest.<br><br>
If you have a [[wondermask]] with Rainbow face, Glamour will cost no power.
|notes = Disguises speech and the appearance on <tt>QL</tt> or <tt>LOOK</tt>, but not emotes or actions. Can't glamour people who aren't logged in, or the gods and administrative personae, or anyone in the room at the time of casting.

|skillname = Conceal
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WEAVE CONCEAL <item> <Your illusion.>
|description = You may conceal those items around you which do not measure up to your standards of perfection beneath a beguiling net of light, making them appear as something else. The more complex the glamour, the more difficult it will be to weave. (Note: Your illusion should be a complete sentence.)
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE GLAMOUR OF <person> ON <target/ME></tt>
|notes = Lasts ten minutes.
|style="background:pink"|Power: 2 (Any)
You may weave a powerful glamour of surpassing splendour, concealing your features or those around you with those of your favoured one - even emulating the quality of their voice should you deign to speak. Yet this is a fragile glamour, which will only conceal the bearer from the most cursory examination, and will be easily perceived as false with even the slightest movement until the bearer again comes to rest.

|skillname = ColourSpray
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|cost = Power: 3 (Any)<br/>
| style="background:lightgreen"|Conceals speech and the appearance on <tt>QL</tt> or <tt>LOOK</tt>, but not emotes or actions.  Can't glamour people who aren't logged in, or the gods and administrative personae, or anyone in the room at the time of casting.
Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = This radiant glamour is a cruder and more powerful application of [[#ColourBurst|ColourBurst]], targetting all your enemies in your location. If your enemies are not protected by [[blind]]ness, they will always suffer a second colour effect and will take more damage.

|skillname = Wall
|syntax = WEAVE WALL <direction>
|description = An illusory wall masks the existence of an exit. The exit will still exist, however, and the illusion will not prevent ingress or egress--it merely prevents that exit from being seen.

|skillname = Fascination
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WEAVE FASCINATION <target>
|cost = Power: 2 (Any)
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE CONCEAL <item> <Your illusion.></tt>
|description = The most captivating of glamours is a simple manipulation of light, and sure to overwhelm the senses and [[transfixed|transfix]] the mind of those unworthy to gaze upon you. This bedazzling glamour will shock even the [[blind]] back to sight, in which case it will cost no power to awe your supplicants.
|notes = Transfixed requires writhing and takes longer to writhe free from than other entanglements.
You may conceal those items around you which do not measure up to your standards of perfection beneath a beguiling net of light, making them appear as something else. The more complex the glamour, the more difficult it will be to weave. (Note: Your illusion should be a complete sentence.)

|skillname = Fireworks
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|cost = Power: 10 (Any)<br/>
| style="background:lightgreen"|Lasts ten minutes.
Damage Type: 100% Fire
|description = Though not of any value beyond the aesthetic, fireworks is one of the most difficult illusions to weave. Its spectacular visuals can be seen throughout an area, though usually reserved during celebrations when groups of master illusionists create breathtaking displays. Many a tale persists of the careless illusionist who wanders too close to the spectacle and catches [[ablaze]], and mayhap such a fate shall befall your personal enemies who linger overlong in your presence.
|notes = Sets ablaze personal enemies in the same room as you.

|skillname = Manse
|syntax = WEAVE MANSE
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Power: 10 (Any)
|description = One of the most striking illusions, this will create an illusory mansion that others can enter and retreat from the rigors of reality, where the solace of your illusory masterpiece will soothe the endurance and willpower of your guests at a rate greater than usual. This is a dangerous illusion, however, as anyone who is caught in the mansion when it dispels will be thrust headlong into the [[Astral Plane]].
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE COLOURSPRAY</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 3 (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Magic<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
This radiant glamour is a cruder and more powerful application of ColourBurst, targetting all your enemies in your location. If your enemies are not protected by blindness, they will always suffer a second colour effect and will take more damage.

|skillname = RainbowPattern
|syntax = WEAVE RAINBOWPATTERN <target>
|cost = Power: 2 (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Psychic
|description = You can conjure a bedazzling glamour of rainbow-coloured lights that will swirl around your victim in confounding patterns. These prismatic patterns will continuously afflict your target with a number of [[:Category:Mental Afflictions|mental ailments]], as well as inflicting some psychic damage - which will be lessened if your victim is [[blind]].

|skillname = Nature
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WEAVE NATURE
|description = In any outdoor, non-urban or road location, you can weave a glamour around yourself that would fool nature itself. This will place you out-of-phase with reality and, though you won't be able to do anything, it is particularly useful as a means of hiding or spying on others.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE WALL <direction></tt>
|notes = Any action will put you back into phase.  While out of phase, you cannot be harmed by most abilities, apart from [[Highmagic#Kether|Kether]], [[Lowmagic#Violet|Violet]], and the like.
An illusory wall masks the existence of an exit. The exit will still exist, however, and the illusion will not prevent ingress or egress--it merely prevents that exit from being seen.

|skillname = Flare
|syntax = WEAVE FLARE <target>
|cost = Power: 2 (Any)
|description = When the victim is bedazzled by this glamour, they will find themselves afflicted by glowing '''afterimages''' in their vision, and unable to gain the [[sixthsense]] for a period of time. This dazzling afterimage cannot be refreshed again until after it has worn off.

|skillname = Mesmerise
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WEAVE MESMERISE <target>
|description = The gentle, soothing and hypnotic patterns of this simple glamour of light will lull your victim into a daydream, knocking them off equilibrium for a time.<br><br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE FASCINATION <target></tt>
If your victim has [[#Flare|afterimage]] already, this will [[disrupted|disrupt]] them instead.
|style="background:pink"|Power: 2 (Any)
*Glamours Mesmerise will now do disrupted if the target is suffering from Afterimages. '''(#2584 on 28-Dec-2021)'''
The most captivating of glamours is a simple manipulation of light, and sure to overwhelm the senses and transfix the mind of those unworthy to gaze upon you. This bedazzling glamour will shock even the blind back to sight, in which case it will cost no power to awe your supplicants.

|skillname = Statue
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|syntax = WEAVE STATUE
|description = In any outdoor urban or road location, you can weave a glamour around yourself that will make it appear as though you are a statue. This will place you out-of-phase with reality and, though you won't be able to do anything, it is particularly useful as a means of hiding or spying on others.
| style="background:lightgreen"|Transfix requires writhing and takes longer to writhe free from than other entanglements.
|notes = Any action will put you back into phase.  While out of phase, you cannot be harmed by most abilities, apart from [[Highmagic#Kether|Kether]], [[Lowmagic#Violet|Violet]], and the like.

|skillname = HypnoticPattern
|syntax = WEAVE HYPNOTICPATTERN <target>
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|description = Drawing inspiration from the infamous will-o-the-wisp [[fae]], you can bend light into a bewitching dance of hypnotic patterns which will [[disrupted|disrupt the mental equilibrium]] of your victim periodically, though [[blind]]ness will lessen this effect.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE FIREWORKS</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Fire<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
Though not of any value beyond the aesthetic, fireworks is one of the most difficult illusions to weave. Its spectacular visuals can be seen throughout an area, though usually reserved during celebrations when groups of master illusionists create breathtaking displays. Many a tale persists of the careless illusionist who wanders too close to the spectacle and catches ablaze, and mayhap such a fate shall befall your personal enemies who linger overlong in your presence.

|skillname = LightSpray
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|cost = Power: 1 (Any)
| style="background:lightgreen"|Sets ablaze personal enemies in the same room as you.
|description = This radiant glamour is a wild and skillful feat, spraying your surroundings with illusory flames. It will line your personal enemies in harmless yet revealing illumination.
|notes = Afflicts [[luminosity]]??? Please verify

|skillname = IllusorySelf
ILLUSORYSELF (to see its health)
|cost = Power: 5 (Any)
|description = The master illusionist may weave a near-perfect glamour of herself, down to the precise detail. This illusory self will absorb all damage done to the illusionist when it is periodically confused for the actual illusionist during an attack. The glamour is fragile, however, and may only take twice the health of the illusionist in damage before it will be dispelled.<br><br>
If you have a [[wonderbrazier]] that can do IllusoryShield, your glamour will have 10% more health.
'''Changelog:'''<br />
*Glamourists using IllusorySelf and possessing a wonderbrazier will find their doppleganger stronger.''' (#1659 on 3-16-2019)'''

|skillname = ColourMaelstrom
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Power: 5 (Any)
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE MANSE</tt>
|description = The anarchic cousin of [[#ColourSpray|ColourSpray]], this vibrant maelstrom of colours is a veritable rainbow storm, chaotic and primal. It will linger where you weave the glamour and periodically dazzle your enemies with a variety of mental maladies.
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Any)
One of the most striking illusions, this will create an illusory mansion that others can enter and retreat from the rigors of reality, where the solace of your illusory masterpiece will soothe the endurance and willpower of your guests at a rate greater than usual. This is a dangerous illusion, however, as anyone who is caught in the mansion when it dispels will be thrust headlong into the Astral Plane.

|skillname = DeadlyPattern
|syntax = WEAVE DEADLYPATTERN <target>
|cost = Power: 1 (Any)
|description = By tracing blasphemous patterns in the air and weaving them into a deadly, corrosive glamour you may pierce the heartiest defenses of your victim, leaving them utterly at whatever mercy you might choose to have.
|notes = Strips two defenses, randomly selected.

|skillname = Maze
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WEAVE MAZE <target>
|cost = Power: 10 (Any)
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE RAINBOWPATTERN <target></tt>
|description = The greatest and most feared of glamours is the cunning illusory maze, to which you may banish your hapless victim. The victim will wander, lost and disoriented, in the depths of the maze, succored by naught save the constant maelstrom of colours that resides within the labyrinth. If the illusory maze dissolves before your hapless victim finds their way out, then they will be stricken with a variety of unpleasant illnesses from the bizarre illusions you have conjured from the reaches of your imagination. The [[#ColourMaelstrom|colour maelstrom]] effect within the maze will flay your victim much more rapidly than a regular maelstrom, and to greater effect.  
|notes = While in the maze, you can try to escape it by moving in any direction, but each movement is delayed.
|style="background:pink"|Power: 2 (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Psychic<br/>
[[Category: Class Skills]]
Damage Source: Magical
You can conjure a bedazzling glamour of rainbow-coloured lights that will swirl around your victim in confounding patterns. These prismatic patterns will continuously afflict your target with a number of mental ailments, as well as inflicting some psychic damage - which will be lessened if your victim is blind.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE NATURE</tt>
In any outdoor, non-urban or road location, you can weave a glamour around yourself that would fool nature itself. This will place you out-of-phase with reality and, though you won't be able to do anything, it is particularly useful as a means of hiding or spying on others.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Any action will put you back into phase.  While out of phase, you cannot be harmed by most abilities, apart from Kether, Violet, and the like.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE FLARE <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 2 (Any)
When the victim is bedazzled by this glamour, they will find themselves afflicted by glowing afterimages in their vision, and unable to gain the sixthsense for a period of time. This dazzling afterimage cannot be refreshed again until after it has worn off. This bedazzling glamour will shock even the blind back to sight, in which case it will cost no power to awe your supplicants.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE MESMERIZE <target></tt>
The gentle, soothing and hypnotic patterns of this simple glamour of light will lull even the most hyperactive kafe-addict into a deep slumber. If your victim is not blind, they will find themselves sleepier after viewing this glamour.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Strips insomnia if present; otherwise, puts the target to sleep.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE STATUE</tt>
In any outdoor urban or road location, you can weave a glamour around yourself that will make it appear as though you are a statue. This will place you out-of-phase with reality and, though you won't be able to do anything, it is particularly useful as a means of hiding or spying on others.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Any action will put you back into phase.  While out of phase, you cannot be harmed by most abilities, apart from Kether, Violet, and the like.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE HYPNOTICPATTERN <target></tt>
Drawing inspiration from the infamous will-o-the-wisp fae, you can bend light into a bewitching dance of hypnotic patterns which will disrupt the mental equilibrium of your victim periodically, though blindness will lessen this effect.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE LIGHTSPRAY</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 1 (Any)
This radiant glamour is a wild and skillful feat, spraying your surroundings with illusory flames. It will line your personal enemies in harmless yet revealing illumination.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE ILLUSORYSELF</tt><br/>
<tt>ILLUSORYSELF</tt> (to see its health)
|style="background:pink"|Power: 5 (Any)
The master illusionist may weave a near-perfect glamour of herself, down to the precise detail. This illusory self will absorb all damage done to the illusionist when it is periodically confused for the actual illusionist during an attack. The glamour is fragile, however, and may only take twice the health of the illusionist in damage before it will be dispelled.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE COLOURMAELSTROM</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 5 (Any)
The anarchic cousin of ColourSpray, this vibrant maelstrom of colours is a veritable rainbow storm, chaotic and primal. It will linger where you weave the glamour and periodically dazzle your enemies with a variety of mental maladies.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE DEADLYPATTERN <target></tt>
| style="background:pink"|Power: 1 (Any)
By tracing blasphemous patterns in the air and weaving them into a deadly, corrosive glamour you may pierce the heartiest defenses of your victim, leaving them utterly at whatever mercy you might choose to have.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Strips two defenses, randomly selected.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WEAVE MAZE <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Any)
The greatest and most feared of glamours is the cunning illusory maze, to which you may banish your hapless victim. The victim will wander, lost and disoriented, in the depths of the maze, succored by naught save the constant maelstrom of colours that resides within the labyrinth. If the illusory maze dissolves before your hapless victim finds their way out, then they will be stricken with a variety of unpleasant illnesses from the bizarre illusions you have conjured from the reaches of your imagination. The colour maelstrom effect within the maze will flay your victim much more rapidly than a regular maelstrom, and to greater effect.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|While in the maze, you can try to escape it by moving in any direction, but each movement is delayed.
