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m (adds Lucentox to references below)
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| style="background:lightyellow"|Because of the need to recognize the auras of animals, low magic is a prerequisite for this skill. Once you master a poison, you will be able to discern what creatures produce the poison. You will need to kill the creature in order to extract poison from it. Note that the more skilled you are in poisons, the more poison you will be able to extract.
| style="background:lightyellow"|Because of the need to recognize the auras of animals, [[LowMagic|low magic]] is a prerequisite for this skill. Once you master a poison, you will be able to discern what creatures produce the poison. You will need to kill the creature in order to extract poison from it. Note that the more skilled you are in poisons, the more poison you will be able to extract.
{{SkillTableRow|Extracting|Inept|0|Basic ability to extract venoms from poisonous creatures.}}
|[[#Extracting|Extracting]]||Inept||Basic ability to extract venoms from poisonous creatures.
{{SkillTableRow|Identification|Inept|33|Identify creatures with known poisons.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Anatine|Inept|66|Causes terrible muscular spasms.}}
|[[#Identification|Identification]]||Inept +33%||Identify creatures with known poisons.
{{SkillTableRow|Niricol|Novice|0|Causes the pupils to completely close.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mactans|Novice|50|A spider venom that gives chills.}}
|Anatine||Inept +66%||Causes terrible muscular spasms.
{{SkillTableRow|Contortrin|Apprentice|0|Also known as hero's bane, found within graves.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Lucentox|Apprentice|25|A poison that causes shields to fail.}}
|Niricol||Novice||Causes the pupils to completely close.
{{SkillTableRow|Aleutian|Apprentice|33|Strangely affects the emotions, causing paranoia.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mantakaya|Apprentice|66|A dangerous toxin that causes paralysis.}}
|Mactans||Novice +50%||A spider venom that gives chills.
{{SkillTableRow|Dendroxin|Capable|0|Causes weakness of the arms, hampering ability to parry.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Saxitin|Capable|50|Only found in the deepest sea creatures who hate sunlight.}}
|Contortrin||Apprentice||Also known as hero's bane, found within graves.
{{SkillTableRow|Ibululu|Adept|0|This snake venom causes an unnatural sensitivity to pain.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Hadrudin|Adept|33|Usually found in scorpions, causes terrible disfigurement.}}
|Aleutian||Apprentice +33%||Strangely affects the emotions, causing paranoia.
{{SkillTableRow|Mellitin|Adept|66|Weakness of the bowel afflicts those infected with this poison.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Botulinum|Master|0|A poison that causes terrible gastrointestinal convulsions.}}
|Mantakaya||Apprentice +66%||A dangerous toxin that causes paralysis.
{{SkillTableRow|Pyrotoxin|Master|33|Strips fire protection or gives a burst of fiery damage.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Haemotox|Master|66|Afflicts with haemophilia, making blood hard to clot.}}
|Dendroxin||Capable||Causes muscles in the arms to shrivel.
{{SkillTableRow|Calcise|Gifted|0|Disrupts the connection to the body, preventing stancing.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Inyoka|Gifted|33|Hallucinating is the main effect of this salamander venom.}}
|Saxitin||Capable +50%||Only found in the deepest sea creatures who hate sunlight.
{{SkillTableRow|Tetrodin|Gifted|66|A dark poison that that saps the health of its victim.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Crotamine|Expert|0|This vile poisons causes immense sickening in its victim.}}
|Ibululu||Adept||This snake venom causes an unnatural sensitivity to pain.
{{SkillTableRow|Morphite|Expert|50|Only found in certain elemental creatures, causes sleep.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Escozul|Virtuoso|0|An energy draining poison from the astral depths.}}
|Hadrudin||Adept +33%||Usually found in scorpions, causes terrible disfigurement.
{{SkillTableRow|Chansu|Virtuoso|33|A terrible toxin that causes a lack of appetite.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Charybdon|Virtuoso|66|Another astral poison, the effects are always mutating.}}
|Mellitin||Adept +66%||Weakness afflicts those infected with this poison.
{{SkillTableRow|Miniatures|Fabled|0|Dip figurines into poison to give it a breath attack.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dulak|Fabled|50|This poison attacks the brain, causing unnatural stupidity.}}
|Botulinum||Master||A poison that causes terrible gastrointestinal convulsions.
{{SkillTableRow|Senso|Mythical|0|A poison that causes profuse oily sweating.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Constructs|Mythical|33|Use crotamine to allow constructs a special attack.}}
|Pyrotoxin||Master +33%||Strips fire protection or gives a burst of fiery damage.
{{SkillTableRow|Anerod|Mythical|66|This poison thins the blood and reduces the immune system.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Immunity|Transcendent|0|Immunize yourself against the effects of one poison.}}
|Haemotox||Master +66%||Afflicts with haemophilia, making blood hard to clot.
|Calcise||Gifted||Targets the bones of the legs, with crippling effect.
|Inyoka||Gifted +33%||Dizziness is the main effect of this salamander venom.
|Tetrodin||Gifted +66%||A dark poison that that saps the health of its victim.
|Crotamine||Expert||Unless quickly cured, this poison means a certain death.
|Morphite||Expert +50%||Only found in certain elemental creatures, causes sleep.
|Escozul||Virtuoso||An energy draining poison from the astral depths.
|Chansu||Virtuoso +33%||A terrible toxin that causes respiratory illness.
|Charybdon||Virtuoso +66%||Another astral poison, the effects are always mutating.
|[[#Miniatures|Miniatures]]||Fabled||Dip figurines into poison to give it a breath attack.
|Dulak||Fabled +50%||This poison attacks the brain, causing unnatural stupidity.
|Senso||Mythical||A poison that causes profuse oily sweating.
|[[#Constructs|Constructs]]||Mythical +33%||Use crotamine to allow constructs a special attack.
|Anerod||Mythical +66%||This poison thins the blood and reduces the immune system.
|[[#Immunity|Immunity]]||Transcendent||Immunize yourself against the effects of one poison.
[[Image:Poisons.jpg|thumb|A F(r)iend from Balach (by Enero)]]
[[Image:Poisons.jpg|thumb|A F(r)iend from Balach (by Enero)]]
|skillname = Extracting
|syntax = EXTRACT <creature> INTO <vial>
|description = You may extract known poisons of venomous creatures into vials. The amount you will be able to extract will increase as your skill in poisons increases.

|skillname = Identification
|description = When you probe a creature, you will be able to discern if it is venomous and what poison it produces. You will only be able to identify creatures with poisons known to you.

|skillname = Anatine
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Affliction: [[Clumsiness]]
|description = This poison will cause your opponents to become clumsier.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>EXTRACT <creature> INTO <vial></tt>
You may extract known poisons of venomous creatures into vials. The amount you will be able to extract will increase as your skill in poisons increases.
|skillname = Niricol
|cost = Affliction: [[Blind]]ness
|description = This poison will affect your opponent's ability to see, causing their pupils to close completely.
|skillname = Mactans
|cost = Affliction*:<br>
:If the target has the Fire defence, it will be stripped.
:If the target has [[Ablaze]], it will be cured.
:If neither of the above, it will afflict with [[Shivering]].
:If the target has [[Shivering]], it will afflict with [[Frozen]].
|description = This spider's venom causes your opponent's body to lose control of its ability to regulate temperature, causing chills.
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Only one of these effects will happen on each application of the poison, based on the state of the target at the time of application.
|skillname = Contortrin
|cost = Affliction: [[Recklessness]]
|description = This poison causes your opponent to act recklessly, as if there were
nothing in the world that could stop them.
|skillname = Lucentox
|cost = Affliction: [[Luminosity]]
|description =
This poison affects the connection between one and both [[HighMagic|High]] and [[LowMagic|Low Magics]]. This will prevent someone from shielding.
See [[Luminosity|AFFS INFO LUMINOSITY]] for more details.
|skillname = Aleutian
|cost = Affliction: [[Paranoia]]
|description = Poison the mind of your foes and make them think everyone is against them.
|skillname = Mantakaya
|cost = Affliction: [[Paralysis]]
|description = This poison will target the nervous system of your opponent, causing their body to lock up into a state of paralysis.
|skillname = Dendroxin
|cost = Affliction: [[Asthenia]]
|description = This poison causes a severe weakness in your opponent's arms, preventing them from parrying
|notes = There is no AB scroll for this poison at present. One has been submitted.
|skillname = Saxitin
|cost = Affliction: [[Pox]]
|description = This poison will cause your opponent's skin to blister and welt.
|skillname = Ibululu
|cost = Affliction: [[Sensitivity]]
|description = Target your opponent's nervous system and make them really feel the pain.
|skillname = Hadrudin
|cost = Affliction: [[Disloyalty]]
|description = This poison will cause an aura of repugnance around your opponent, causing them to incite disloyalty in their friends.
|skillname = Mellitin
|cost = Affliction: [[Dysentery]]
|description = This poison targets the stomach of your opponents, causing them extreme sickness.
|skillname = Botulinum
|cost = Affliction: [[Vomiting]]
|description = This poison targets the stomach of your opponents, causing them to vomit.
|skillname = Pyrotoxin
|cost = Affliction*:<br>
:If the target has the Frost defence, it will be stripped.
:If the target is not already, they will be afflicted with [[Ablaze]].
:If the target is already [[ablaze]], it will do damage.
|description = This poison causes the body of your opponent to lose its ability to regulate temparature, causing the body to overheat.
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Only one of these effects will happen on each application of the poison, based on the state of the target at the time of application.
|skillname = Haemotox
|cost = Affliction: [[Haemophilia]]
|description = This poison targets your opponents circulatory system, causing their blood to thin and makes clotting harder.
|skillname = Calcise
|cost = Affliction: [[Ataxia]]
|description = This poison targets the whole body of your opponent, inhibiting their ability to stance.
|skillname = Inyoka
|cost = Affliction: [[Hallucinations]]
|description = This poison targets the mind, causing your opponent to see things that may not actually be there.
|skillname = Tetrodin
|cost = Affliction: [[Healthleech]]
|description = This poison targets the spirit of your opponent, causing their life force to bleed from their body.
|skillname = Crotamine
|cost = Affliction: [[Sickening]]
|description = This poison targets your opponent's stomach, causing them to become incredibly sick.
|skillname = Morphite
|cost = Affliction: [[Asleep|Sleep]]
|description = This poison targets your opponent's body and mind, causing them to become so tired they fall asleep.
|skillname = Escozul
|cost = Affliction: [[Powersap]]
|description = This affliction targets the spirit of your opponent, causing their power to become yours.
|skillname = Chansu
|cost = Affliction: [[Anorexia]]
|description = This poison targets your opponents stomach and throat, causing them to be unable to eat.
|skillname = Charybdon
|cost = Affliction: ???
|description = Charybdon will randomly select an effect at random from every other poison.
Even the most skilled of poisonists can't predict how this poison will work.
|notes = Will not imitate Calcise and Dendroxin as per Changelog #1439.

|skillname = Miniatures
|syntax = DIP <figurine> IN <crotamine>
|description = You can dip miniatures in a vial of crotamine, making the figurine occasionally breathe a powerful corrosive cloud. The figurine will absorb the equivalent of 50 doses.<br>NOTE: Figurines coated in crotamine cannot also be [[Alchemy#Miniatures|coated in quicksilver]] nor can it wear [[Forging#Miniatures|knuckles/helmet]].
|skillname = Dulak
|cost = Affliction: [[Stupidity]]
|description = This poison targets the mind of your opponent, causing them to act foolish.
|skillname = Senso
|cost = Afflicton: [[Slickness]]
|description = This poison targets your opponent's glands, causing their skin to secrete mass amounts of oil.
|skillname = Construts
|syntax = PREPARE CROTAMINE JELLY FROM <vial of crotamine>
|description = Crotamine jelly can be put into a construct or colossus to enable the operator to attack his or her targets with a poison attack that does up to twice the damage to the target, at a cost of half damage to his or her own construct or colossus.
|skillname = Anerod
|cost = Affliction: [[Relapsing]]
|description = This poison targets your opponent's bloodstream and thins the blood, causing them to be more susceptible to poisons.
|skillname = Immunity
|syntax = IMMUNIZE
|description = By taking a dose of poison, you will be able to train your body to become majorly resistant to poison. This is not an instantaneous process. Once your body is prepared to IMMUNIZE itself, you must take a sip of the poison you wish to be immune to. Then, at the beginning of the next month, you will find yourself greatly immune from its effects. Note that this only works against poisons, not against other spells that may give the same effect.

When you probe a creature, you will be able to discern if it is venomous and what poison it produces. You will only be able to identify creatures with poisons known to you.

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| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|These poisons will cause these afflictions. Note that only unlinked astral creatures produce poison, though linked ones still give the same afflictions.
| style="background:lightgreen"|These poisons will cause these afflictions. Note that only unlinked astral creatures produce poison, though linked ones still give the same afflictions.

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|style="background:lightblue" |'''Location'''
|style="background:lightblue" |'''Location'''
|Balach Swamp
|[[Balach Swamp]]
|Oleanvir Valley
|[[Oleanvir Valley]]
|Glomdoring Chasm
|[[Glomdoring Chasm]]
|Garnet Scorpions
|Garnet Scorpions
|Scorpion Caves
|[[Scorpion Caverns]]
|Blue-Ringed Octopii 
|Blue-Ringed Octopodes
|Inner Sea
|[[Inner Sea]]
|Withered Legs
|Southern Mountains
|[[Muhanlesh Caverns]]
|Aerial Stalkers
|Aerial Stalkers
|Plane of Air
|[[Air (plane)|Air]]
|Random Effect    
|Random Poison Effect (except calcise or dendroxin)
|Red Scorpions      
|Red Scorpions
|Astral - Scorpio
|Astral - Scorpio
|Queen Gravedigger  
|Queen Gravedigger
|Blasted Lands
|[[Blasted Land]]
|Death Countdown 
|Earth Plane
|[[Earth (plane)|Earth]]
|rowspan="2"|Withered Arms   
|Eyelash Vipers      
|Eyelash Vipers
|Hills in Southeast, Northeast
|Hills in Southeast, Northeast
|Amethyst Scorpions
|Amethyst Scorpions
|Scorpion Caves
|[[Scorpion Caverns]]
|Gila Lizards        
|Gila Lizards
|Skarch Desert
|[[Skarch Desert]]
|Bloated Parasites  
|Bloated Parasites
|Astral - Pisces
|Astral - Pisces
|Black Scorpions    
|Black Scorpions
|Blasted Lands
|[[Blasted Land]]
|Caverns of Muhanlesh
|[[Muhanlesh Caverns]]
|Hifarae Hills
|[[Hifarae Hills]]
|Skarch Desert
|[[Skarch Desert]]
|Red Salamanders    
|Red Salamanders
|Black Widows        
|Glomdoring Forest
|Namiraa's Trench
|rowspan="2"|Strips cold protection or afflicts [[chills]]
|Black Widows
|[[Glomdoring Forest]]
|Onyx Scorpions
|Onyx Scorpions
|Scorpion Caves
|[[Scorpion Caverns]]
|rowspan="2"|Focus Body
|Manta Rays          
|Manta Rays
|Inner Sea
|[[Inner Sea]]
|Glomdoring Forest
|[[Glomdoring Forest]]
|Jade Scorpions
|Jade Scorpions
|Scorpion Caves
|[[Scorpion Caverns]]
|Strips insomnia, afflicts [[asleep]], or strips kafe.
|Water Plane
|[[Water (plane)|Water]]
|Dust or [[Discernment#Sixthsense|Sixthsense]]
|Hills near Glomdoring
|Hills near [[Glomdoring]]
|Strips fire protections or afflicts [[ablaze]]
|Fire Mantis
|Grey Moors
|[[Plane of Fire]]
|Sun Allergy     
|Sea Anemone        
|Sea Anemone
|Inner Sea
|[[Inner Sea]]
|Earth Plane
|[[Earth (plane)|Earth]]
|Tree Frogs          
|Tree Frogs
|Tolborolla Valley
|[[Tolborolla Valley]]
'''Changelog:'''<br />
*Charybdon will no longer attempt to afflict with calcise or dendroxin. '''(#1439 on 6-21-2018)'''

[[Category: Trade Skills]]
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DIP <figurine> IN <crotamine></tt>
You can dip miniatures in a vial of crotamine, making the figurine occasionally breathe a powerful corrosive cloud. The figurine will absorb the equivalent of 50 doses.<br/>
NOTE: Figurines coated in crotamine cannot also be coated in quicksilver nor can it wear knuckles/helmet.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PREPARE CROTAMINE JELLY FROM <vial of crotamine></tt>
Crotamine jelly can be put into a construct or colossus to enable the operator to attack his or her targets with a poison attack that does up to twice the damage to the target, at a cost of half damage to his or her own construct or colossus.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>IMMUNIZE</tt>
By taking a dose of poison, you will be able to train your body to become majorly resistant to poison. This is not an instantaneous process. Once your body is prepared to <tt>IMMUNIZE</tt> itself, you must take a sip of the poison you wish to be immune to. Then, at the beginning of the next month, you will find yourself greatly immune from its effects. Note that this only works against poisons, not against other spells that may give the same effect.

Latest revision as of 02:31, 22 February 2025

Because of the need to recognize the auras of animals, low magic is a prerequisite for this skill. Once you master a poison, you will be able to discern what creatures produce the poison. You will need to kill the creature in order to extract poison from it. Note that the more skilled you are in poisons, the more poison you will be able to extract.
Skill Learned At Description
Extracting Inept+0% Basic ability to extract venoms from poisonous creatures.
Identification Inept+33% Identify creatures with known poisons.
Anatine Inept+66% Causes terrible muscular spasms.
Niricol Novice+0% Causes the pupils to completely close.
Mactans Novice+50% A spider venom that gives chills.
Contortrin Apprentice+0% Also known as hero's bane, found within graves.
Lucentox Apprentice+25% A poison that causes shields to fail.
Aleutian Apprentice+33% Strangely affects the emotions, causing paranoia.
Mantakaya Apprentice+66% A dangerous toxin that causes paralysis.
Dendroxin Capable+0% Causes weakness of the arms, hampering ability to parry.
Saxitin Capable+50% Only found in the deepest sea creatures who hate sunlight.
Ibululu Adept+0% This snake venom causes an unnatural sensitivity to pain.
Hadrudin Adept+33% Usually found in scorpions, causes terrible disfigurement.
Mellitin Adept+66% Weakness of the bowel afflicts those infected with this poison.
Botulinum Master+0% A poison that causes terrible gastrointestinal convulsions.
Pyrotoxin Master+33% Strips fire protection or gives a burst of fiery damage.
Haemotox Master+66% Afflicts with haemophilia, making blood hard to clot.
Calcise Gifted+0% Disrupts the connection to the body, preventing stancing.
Inyoka Gifted+33% Hallucinating is the main effect of this salamander venom.
Tetrodin Gifted+66% A dark poison that that saps the health of its victim.
Crotamine Expert+0% This vile poisons causes immense sickening in its victim.
Morphite Expert+50% Only found in certain elemental creatures, causes sleep.
Escozul Virtuoso+0% An energy draining poison from the astral depths.
Chansu Virtuoso+33% A terrible toxin that causes a lack of appetite.
Charybdon Virtuoso+66% Another astral poison, the effects are always mutating.
Miniatures Fabled+0% Dip figurines into poison to give it a breath attack.
Dulak Fabled+50% This poison attacks the brain, causing unnatural stupidity.
Senso Mythical+0% A poison that causes profuse oily sweating.
Constructs Mythical+33% Use crotamine to allow constructs a special attack.
Anerod Mythical+66% This poison thins the blood and reduces the immune system.
Immunity Transcendent+0% Immunize yourself against the effects of one poison.
A F(r)iend from Balach (by Enero)


EXTRACT <creature> INTO <vial>


You may extract known poisons of venomous creatures into vials. The amount you will be able to extract will increase as your skill in poisons increases.


When you probe a creature, you will be able to discern if it is venomous and what poison it produces. You will only be able to identify creatures with poisons known to you.


Affliction: Clumsiness

This poison will cause your opponents to become clumsier.


Affliction: Blindness

This poison will affect your opponent's ability to see, causing their pupils to close completely.


If the target has the Fire defence, it will be stripped.
If the target has Ablaze, it will be cured.
If neither of the above, it will afflict with Shivering.
If the target has Shivering, it will afflict with Frozen.

This spider's venom causes your opponent's body to lose control of its ability to regulate temperature, causing chills.

* Only one of these effects will happen on each application of the poison, based on the state of the target at the time of application.


Affliction: Recklessness

This poison causes your opponent to act recklessly, as if there were nothing in the world that could stop them.


Affliction: Luminosity

This poison affects the connection between one and both High and Low Magics. This will prevent someone from shielding.

See AFFS INFO LUMINOSITY for more details.


Affliction: Paranoia

Poison the mind of your foes and make them think everyone is against them.


Affliction: Paralysis

This poison will target the nervous system of your opponent, causing their body to lock up into a state of paralysis.


Affliction: Asthenia

This poison causes a severe weakness in your opponent's arms, preventing them from parrying

Additional Notes:
There is no AB scroll for this poison at present. One has been submitted.


Affliction: Pox

This poison will cause your opponent's skin to blister and welt.


Affliction: Sensitivity

Target your opponent's nervous system and make them really feel the pain.


Affliction: Disloyalty

This poison will cause an aura of repugnance around your opponent, causing them to incite disloyalty in their friends.


Affliction: Dysentery

This poison targets the stomach of your opponents, causing them extreme sickness.


Affliction: Vomiting

This poison targets the stomach of your opponents, causing them to vomit.


If the target has the Frost defence, it will be stripped.
If the target is not already, they will be afflicted with Ablaze.
If the target is already ablaze, it will do damage.

This poison causes the body of your opponent to lose its ability to regulate temparature, causing the body to overheat.

* Only one of these effects will happen on each application of the poison, based on the state of the target at the time of application.


Affliction: Haemophilia

This poison targets your opponents circulatory system, causing their blood to thin and makes clotting harder.


Affliction: Ataxia

This poison targets the whole body of your opponent, inhibiting their ability to stance.


Affliction: Hallucinations

This poison targets the mind, causing your opponent to see things that may not actually be there.


Affliction: Healthleech

This poison targets the spirit of your opponent, causing their life force to bleed from their body.


Affliction: Sickening

This poison targets your opponent's stomach, causing them to become incredibly sick.


Affliction: Sleep

This poison targets your opponent's body and mind, causing them to become so tired they fall asleep.


Affliction: Powersap

This affliction targets the spirit of your opponent, causing their power to become yours.


Affliction: Anorexia

This poison targets your opponents stomach and throat, causing them to be unable to eat.


Affliction: ???

Charybdon will randomly select an effect at random from every other poison.

Even the most skilled of poisonists can't predict how this poison will work.

Additional Notes:
Will not imitate Calcise and Dendroxin as per Changelog #1439.


DIP <figurine> IN <crotamine>

You can dip miniatures in a vial of crotamine, making the figurine occasionally breathe a powerful corrosive cloud. The figurine will absorb the equivalent of 50 doses.
NOTE: Figurines coated in crotamine cannot also be coated in quicksilver nor can it wear knuckles/helmet.


Affliction: Stupidity

This poison targets the mind of your opponent, causing them to act foolish.


Afflicton: Slickness

This poison targets your opponent's glands, causing their skin to secrete mass amounts of oil.



Crotamine jelly can be put into a construct or colossus to enable the operator to attack his or her targets with a poison attack that does up to twice the damage to the target, at a cost of half damage to his or her own construct or colossus.


Affliction: Relapsing

This poison targets your opponent's bloodstream and thins the blood, causing them to be more susceptible to poisons.



By taking a dose of poison, you will be able to train your body to become majorly resistant to poison. This is not an instantaneous process. Once your body is prepared to IMMUNIZE itself, you must take a sip of the poison you wish to be immune to. Then, at the beginning of the next month, you will find yourself greatly immune from its effects. Note that this only works against poisons, not against other spells that may give the same effect.

Additional Notes:
These poisons will cause these afflictions. Note that only unlinked astral creatures produce poison, though linked ones still give the same afflictions.
Poison Effect Cure Source Location
Aleutian Paranoia Slush Pythons Balach Swamp
Anatine Clumsiness Slush Adders Oleanvir Valley
Anerod Relapsing Dust Bats Glomdoring Chasm
Garnet Scorpions Scorpion Caverns
Botulinum Vomiting Dust Blue-Ringed Octopodes Inner Sea
Calcise Ataxia Slush Platypodes Rivers
Chansu Anorexia Slush Nagaradjas Muhanlesh Caverns
Aerial Stalkers Air
Charybdon Random Poison Effect (except calcise or dendroxin) Varies Red Scorpions Astral - Scorpio
Contortrin Recklessness Slush Queen Gravedigger Blasted Land
Crotamine Sickening Dust Lindwyrms Earth
Dendroxin Asthenia Dust Eyelash Vipers Hills in Southeast, Northeast
Amethyst Scorpions Scorpion Caverns
Dulak Stupidity Slush Gila Lizards Skarch Desert
Escozul Powersap Dust Bloated Parasites Astral - Pisces
Hadrudin Disloyalty Steam Black Scorpions Blasted Land
Muhagli Muhanlesh Caverns
Haemotox Haemophilia Dust Rattlesnakes Hifarae Hills
Ibululu Sensitivity Slush Cobras Skarch Desert
Inyoka Hallucinations Slush Red Salamanders Rivers
Lucentox Luminosity Steam Jellyfish Namiraa's Trench
Mactans Strips cold protection or afflicts chills Dust Black Widows Glomdoring Forest
Onyx Scorpions Scorpion Caverns
Mantakaya Paralysis Dust Manta Rays Inner Sea
Adoraths Undervault
Mellitin Dysentery Dust Wasps Glomdoring Forest
Jade Scorpions Scorpion Caverns
Morphite Strips insomnia, afflicts asleep, or strips kafe. Wake Dreamleeches Water
Niricol Blind Dust or Sixthsense Cockatrices Hills near Glomdoring
Pyrotoxin Strips fire protections or afflicts ablaze Ice Fire Mantis Plane of Fire
Saxitin Pox Dust Sea Anemone Inner Sea
Senso Slickness Steam Stoneghasts Earth
Tetrodin Healthleech Steam Tree Frogs Serenwilde
Frogs Tolborolla Valley


  • Charybdon will no longer attempt to afflict with calcise or dendroxin. (#1439 on 6-21-2018)