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In a previous update, this line was added:
<pre>The rare and beautiful lotus blossom, which grows only in the Undervault, is sacred to the kephera as a symbol of rebirth.</pre>
<blockquote>The rare and beautiful lotus blossom, which grows only in the Undervault, is sacred to the kephera as a symbol of rebirth.</blockquote>
No one on the Lusternia Discord could find any corroboration, and in fact, Qistrel pointed out that Master Quettle spoke of the Vernal God Tosha finding the golden lotus growing on the top of a mountain, so I have removed this line. If someone can find a citation for a similar claim, we can always restore it.
does not seem to be corroborated by HELP KEPHERA or other evidence in game, and people in the Lusternia Discord were not sure where this point of lore comes from, or whether it's true at all. Can anyone cite a proof or disproof?

Latest revision as of 15:27, 2 April 2022

In a previous update, this line was added:

The rare and beautiful lotus blossom, which grows only in the Undervault, is sacred to the kephera as a symbol of rebirth.

No one on the Lusternia Discord could find any corroboration, and in fact, Qistrel pointed out that Master Quettle spoke of the Vernal God Tosha finding the golden lotus growing on the top of a mountain, so I have removed this line. If someone can find a citation for a similar claim, we can always restore it.

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