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{{SkillTableRow|Inscribing|Inept|0|The ability to inscribe images upon blank Tarot cards.}}
|[[#Inscribing|Inscribing]]||Inept||The ability to inscribe images upon blank Tarot cards.
{{SkillTableRow|Healer|Inept|50|Heal yourself or others in the radiance of Dionamus.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Emperor|Novice|0|Like the Dark Emperor, compulse others to follow you.}}
|[[#Healer|Healer]]||Inept +50%||Heal yourself or others in the radiance of Dionamus.
{{SkillTableRow|Cardpacks|Novice|50|Use the handy cardpacks for easier storage.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Magician|Apprentice|0|Replenish your mana with the might of the Magician.}}
|[[#Emperor|Emperor]]||Novice||Like the Dark Emperor, compulse others to follow you.
{{SkillTableRow|Hangedman|Apprentice|50|Hinder your opponent with a mass of ropes.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Fool|Capable|0|Tarot messages will be masked by a foolish jester.}}
|[[#Cardpacks|Cardpacks]]||Novice +50%||Use the handy cardpacks for easier storage.
{{SkillTableRow|Hermit|Capable|50|Teleport to an uninhabited location.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Empress|Adept|0|Summon your friends to you.}}
|[[#Magician|Magician]]||Apprentice||Replenish your mana with the might of the Magician.
{{SkillTableRow|Teacher|Adept|50|D'varsha the Teacher holds many secrets.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Lovers|Master|0|Create a strong love for you in your target.}}
|[[#Hangedman|Hangedman]]||Apprentice +50%||Hinder your opponent with a mass of ropes.
{{SkillTableRow|Warrior|Master|50|With the help of Klangratch, your tarot will damage others.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Fall|Gifted|0|Tap into the reverbations of the destruction of old Celest.}}
|[[#Fool|Fool]]||Capable||Tarot messages will be masked by a foolish jester.
{{SkillTableRow|Moon|Gifted|33|Bestow the maladies of the moon upon your enemy.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamer|Gifted|66|Let Vestera sleepily unravel your enemy.}}
|[[#Hermit|Hermit]]||Capable +50%||Teleport to an uninhabited location.
{{SkillTableRow|Judge|Expert|0|Let Juliana bring justice to the unjust.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Starleaper|Expert|50|Evade opponents with the swiftness of Shanth.}}
|[[#Empress|Empress]]||Adept||Summon your friends to you.
{{SkillTableRow|Catacombs|Virtuoso|0|Travel the Catacombs of the Dead, courtesy of Urlach.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Princess|Virtuoso|50|The Imperial Princess can cure all ailments--at a cost.}}
|[[#Teacher|Teacher]]||Adept +50%||D'varsha the Teacher holds many secrets.
{{SkillTableRow|Aeon|Fabled|0|Curse your foe with the mark of Chronos.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Lust|Fabled|50|Cause an opponent to hopelessly lust after you.}}
|[[#Lovers|Lovers]]||Master||Create a strong love for you in your target.
{{SkillTableRow|Enigma|Mythical|0|Bear the Enigma of Tzaraziko within your being.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Soulless|Mythical|50|This dangerous tarot will rip the soul out of another.}}
|[[#Warrior|Warrior]]||Master +50%||With the help of Klangratch, your tarot will damage others.
{{SkillTableRow|World|Transcendent|0|Brush aside protective rituals by virtue of Kiakoda.}}
|[[#Fall|Fall]]||Gifted||Tap into the reverbations of the destruction of old Celest.
|[[#Moon|Moon]]||Gifted +33%||Bestow the maladies of the moon upon your enemy.
|[[#Dreamer|Dreamer]]||Gifted +66%||Let Vestera sleepily unravel your enemy.
|[[#Judge|Judge]]||Expert||Let Juliana bring justice to the unjust.
|[[#Starleaper|Starleaper]]||Expert +50%||Evade opponents with the swiftness of Shanth.
|[[#Catacombs|Catacombs]]||Virtuoso||Travel the Catacombs of the Dead, courtesy of Urlach.
|[[#Princess|Princess]]||Virtuoso +50%||The Imperial Princess can cure all ailments--at a cost.
|[[#Aeon|Aeon]]||Fabled||Curse your foe with the mark of Chronos.
|[[#Lust|Lust]]||Fabled +50%||Cause an opponent to hopelessly lust after you.
|[[#Enigma|Enigma]]||Mythical||Bear the Enigma of Tzaraziko within your being.
|[[#Soulless|Soulless]]||Mythical +50%||This dangerous tarot will rip the soul out of another.
|[[#World|World]]||Transcendent||Brush aside protective rituals by virtue of Kiakoda.
[[Image:Tarot.jpg|thumb|The Lust Tarot (by Visaas)]]
[[Image:Tarot.jpg|thumb|The Lust Tarot (by Visaas)]]