
Revision as of 14:07, 5 May 2017 by Brauthik (talk | contribs)

The human race is the only race not native to Lusternia and arrived with the coming of Estarra. They proved to be a most fertile people, able to interbreed with the other races. Because of this, humans range in all shapes, sizes and colours. Humans are the only race who make distinctions between themselves based upon appearance, dividing themselves as "old humans" meaning those with the original skin colour of their race (though ranging from lily white to chocolate brown) to "half breeds" who have skin tones of the native Lusternian races (such as the blue skin of the merians or green skin of the dracnari or even the bright red skin of the viscanti).

Language: Common

Level 1 Increased experience/essence gains.
Level 25 1/10 health regeneration in urban areas.
Level 50 Equilibrium reduction on FIRSTAID and DIAGNOSE. Humans with the HEALING tertiary gain 2/10 health regeneration instead.
Demigod Jack of all trades. Reduces essence loss on death as well as increasing the gains to karma and esteem.
Demigod+ Master of none. Grants a 1/10 to all forms of damage reduction and damage increase bonuses.