Manifestation of the Dreaming

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Manifestations of the Dreaming are phenomena that appear on the Astral, Ethereal and Elemental planes. They are very elusive, noticeable primarily when they move. The sands they produce can help generate power in a nexus.


Manifestations of the Dreaming were important to the modern rediscovery of Dreamweaving. (Events #18-21)


16 Manifestations of the Dreaming appear every year. If killed, they will dispense sands of the dreaming. If these sands are given to elemental lords or Aspects of a Great Spirit, then that being will gain a nimbus of power. Empowered beings connected to a nexus will multiply the power generated when essence is put into the nexus.

Changelog #2598 on 2022-Jan-16

  • Report 79 - The Manifestations of the Dreaming have been completely overhauled. They now work as follows:
    • Manifestations appear only during the month of Avechary.
    • Manifestations first release within the first 3 in-game days of the month (random).
    • When killed, manifestations drop sparkling sands of dreaming, which will not respawn within them.
    • If sands are not used to empower an Elemental Lord/Lady or an Aspect of Hart or Crow, then they will disappear within 1 in-game day.
    • Sands that have not been used to empower will respawn as a new Manifestation of the Dreaming within 1 in-game day of the sands disappearing.
    • After Avechary, all sands and manifestations will disappear for good upon reset until next Avechary.
    • A new help file has been created, HELP MANIFESTATIONS, briefly describing the process.
    • We will be monitoring the roll out this Avechary, do let us know asap if something is amiss.