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85 bytes added ,  02:20, 26 October 2021
(→‎The Divine Pantheon: added Keltari)
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|[[The Fates]]||F||Whole||Claim to exist wherever the weave of creation is.
|[[The Fates]]||F||Whole||Claim to exist wherever the weave of creation is.
|[[Keltari]]||n/a||Dead||The Sea-Bringer. Lover of Li-Varili. Devoured by Illith.
|[[Magnora]]||F||Merged||The Destroyer. Used Soulless as Handmaidens; became part of Estarra.
|[[Magnora]]||F||Merged||The Destroyer. Used Soulless as Handmaidens; became part of Estarra.


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