Difference between revisions of "Divine"

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20 bytes added ,  03:58, 26 October 2021
Moved Keltari to the proper circle and fixed Li-varili's capitalization problem.
(→‎The Divine Pantheon: added Keltari)
(Moved Keltari to the proper circle and fixed Li-varili's capitalization problem.)
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|[[The Fates]]||F||Whole||Claim to exist wherever the weave of creation is.
|[[The Fates]]||F||Whole||Claim to exist wherever the weave of creation is.
|[[Keltari]]||n/a||Dead||The Sea-Bringer. Lover of Li-Varili. Devoured by Illith.
|[[Magnora]]||F||Merged||The Destroyer. Used Soulless as Handmaidens; became part of Estarra.
|[[Magnora]]||F||Merged||The Destroyer. Used Soulless as Handmaidens; became part of Estarra.
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|[[Elfenehoala]]||F||[[Elfen]]||Sister of Lisaera; primary Moon awakener.
|[[Elfenehoala]]||F||[[Elfen]]||Sister of Lisaera; primary Moon awakener.
|[[Li-Varili]]||F||Whole||Lady of the Lagoon.  Caused the shattering of the Seal of Justice, resulting in Ascension being required to re-strengthen the seals.  Currently imprisoned and awaiting trial for her actions.
||[[Keltari]]||n/a||Dead||The Sea-Bringer. Sibling of Li-varili. Carakhan's love. Devoured by Illith.
|[[Li-varili]]||F||Whole||Lady of the Lagoon.  Caused the shattering of the Seal of Justice, resulting in Ascension being required to re-strengthen the seals.  Currently imprisoned and awaiting trial for her actions.
|[[Lisaera]]||F||Whole||The Silver Goddess. Primary Moon awakener; once mate of Fain, She now despises Him; manifests ternary aspects mirroring those of Mother Moon, fierce protector of Nature and the Last Forest.
|[[Lisaera]]||F||Whole||The Silver Goddess. Primary Moon awakener; once mate of Fain, She now despises Him; manifests ternary aspects mirroring those of Mother Moon, fierce protector of Nature and the Last Forest.


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