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663 bytes removed ,  22:33, 2 April 2022
→‎Shofangi: transcluded text from Shofangi (class) instead of duplicating it.
(→‎Spiritsinger: transcluded text from Spiritsingers page instead of duplicating it here.)
(→‎Shofangi: transcluded text from Shofangi (class) instead of duplicating it.)
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{{:Shofangi (class)}}
In the year 178, [[Kephera]] [[Zenobia|Queen of Queens Zenobia]] announced that in exchange for her resurrection, [[Osierti|Grand Master Osierti]] would teach the [[Serenwilde]] the ancient science of monkhood. Named after a long-lost [[Fae]] word signifying the strength and majesty of [[White Hart|Brother Hart]], the first monk class to be founded on the [[Basin]]'s surface would be taught to use shofa, a special knife comprised of two conjoined crescent blades. As monks and as members of Serenwilde they value both strength alone and as part of a greater whole. Each member is encouraged to be independent and develop their own talents so that they can best support the class.

Archetype: [[Monk]]
Archetype: [[Monk]]


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