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| style="background:lightyellow"|When Raflein awoke the voice of the Elder Goddess Rhapsody, they developed the musical style known as the Starhymn. Those who practice this style mimic the sounds of the angelic choirs on Celestia as well as the beauty of running waters, evoking the music of the stars.
| style="background:lightyellow"|When Raflein awoke the voice of the Elder Goddess [[Rhapsody]], they developed the musical style known as the [[Starhymn]]. Those who practice this style mimic the sounds of the angelic choirs on [[Celestia]] as well as the beauty of running waters, evoking the music of the stars.
{{SkillTableRow|Composition|Master|0|You may compose songs expressing your own creativity.}}
|[[#Composition|Composition]]||Master||You may compose songs expressing your own creativity.
{{SkillTableRow|Sustain|Master|0|The ability to maintain a song.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Processional|Master|0|A beautiful hymnal that regenerates willpower and mana.}}
|[[#Sustain|Sustain]]||Master||The ability to maintain a song.
{{SkillTableRow|LoveCanticle|Master|33|Blessed be Raziela, a hymn of love and healing.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DiscordantChord|Master|66|This painful chord shall crush the disharmonic soul.}}
|[[#Processional|Processional]]||Master||A beautiful hymnal that regenerates willpower and mana.
{{SkillTableRow|HopesCarol|Gifted|0|Thanks be Shakiniel, a hymn of protection.}}
{{SkillTableRow|StarLight|Gifted|25|The light of the stars replenishes the body's needs.}}
|[[#LoveCanticle|LoveCanticle]]||Master +33%||Blessed be Raziela, a hymn of love and healing.
{{SkillTableRow|Refrain|Gifted|50|A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Reprise|Gifted|50|A musical structure that allows reversal of a stanza.}}
|[[#DiscordantChord|DiscordantChord]]||Master +66%||This painful chord shall crush the disharmonic soul.
{{SkillTableRow|StarChord|Gifted|75|Send forth the Light to vanquish your enemies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MercifulSanctus|Expert|0|Honours to Japhiel, a hymn of balanced justice.}}
|[[#HopesCarol|HopesCarol]]||Gifted||Thanks be Shakiniel, a hymn of protection.
{{SkillTableRow|CrusaderCanto|Expert|33|Glory to Methrenton, a hymn of the holy flame.}}
{{SkillTableRow|LightCantata|Expert|66|Praise be Elohora, a hymn of the blinding light.}}
|[[#StarLight|StarLight]]||Gifted +33%||The light of the stars replenishes the body's needs.
{{SkillTableRow|CaptiveAudience|Virtuoso|0|Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CelestOde|Virtuoso|33|Rousing song that inspires the citizens of Celest.}}
|[[#Refrain|Refrain]]||Gifted +66%||A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.
{{SkillTableRow|GuardianAngel|Virtuoso|66|A guardian angel to take your blows.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AngelSong|Fabled|0|Angels who hear will increase their speed.}}
|[[#MercifulSanctus|MercifulSanctus]]||Expert||Honours to Japhiel, a hymn of balanced justice.
{{SkillTableRow|PrincessFarewell|Fabled|25|The last song of Princess Marilynth holds great power.}}
{{SkillTableRow|JustChorale|Fabled|50|Your music brings penance from Holy Celestia.}}
|[[#CrusaderCanto|CrusaderCanto]]||Expert +33%||Glory to Methrenton, a hymn of the holy flame.
{{SkillTableRow|AvengingAngel|Fabled|75|An avenging angel to chase your foes.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Encore|Mythical|0|Play a rousing encore performance.}}
|[[#LightCantata|LightCantata]]||Expert +66%||Praise be Elohora, a hymn of the blinding light.
{{SkillTableRow|Recessional|Mythical|0|When the hymn winds down, it is best not to disturb it.}}
{{SkillTableRow|EverSea|Mythical|33|Infuse the waters with the music of the stars.}}
|[[#CaptiveAudience|CaptiveAudience]]||Virtuoso||Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.
{{SkillTableRow|AngelicHost|Mythical|66|An angelic host descends to force your music through.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Requiem|Transcendent|0|Lead those unto death with the requiem for the dead.}}
|[[#CelestOde|CelestOde]]||Virtuoso +50%||Rousing song that inspires the citizens of Celest.
|[[#AngelSong|AngelSong]]||Fabled||Angels who hear will increase their speed.
|[[#PrincessFarewell|PrincessFarewell]]||Fabled +33%||The last song of Princess Marilynth holds great power.
|[[#JustChorale|JustChorale]]||Fabled +66%||Your music brings penance from Holy Celestia.
|[[#Encore|Encore]]||Mythical||Play a rousing encore performance.
|[[#Recessional|Recessional]]||Mythical +33%||When the hymn winds down, it is best not to disturb it.
|[[#EverSea|EverSea]]||Mythical +66%||Infuse the waters with the music of the stars.
|[[#Requiem|Requiem]]||Transcendent||Lead those unto death with the requiem for the dead.
[[Image:Starhymn.jpg|thumb|Merian (by Daermon)]]
[[Image:Starhymn.jpg|thumb|Merian (by Daermon)]]

|skillname = Composition
|syntax = COMPOSE NEW <song> <br>
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> LYRIC <text> <br>
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> IMBUE [<power>{{!}}NONE] <br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>COMPOSE NEW <song></tt><br/>
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> DELETE <br>
<tt>COMPOSE LIST</tt><br/>
COMPOSE <song> DELETE <br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> LYRIC <text></tt><br/>
COMPOSE <song> [INFO] <br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> IMBUE [<power>|NONE]</tt><br/>
PERFORM SONG <song> [<target>] <br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> DELETE</tt><br/>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> DELETE</tt><br/>
|description = As your ability in your song specialization increases, you will be able to compose new songs. You can write your own song and set it in stanzas. Each song can consist of up to 9 stanzas, and certain powers can also be invested in each stanza. Powers are divided into 3 types: Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). Low types can only invested in stanzas 1-3, medium in stanzas 4-6 and high in stanzas 7-9. Low stanzas generally have simple effects, medium stanzas have stronger effects, and high stanzas have very strong effects. Some song powers need to be targetted and others will create a passive effect that stays around you. As a general rule, you will not be able to stack passive effects.<br><br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> [INFO]</tt><br/>
<tt>PERFORM SONG <song> [<target>]</tt><br/>
As your ability in your song specialization increases, you will be able to compose new songs. You can write your own song and sets it in stanzas. Each song can consist of up to 9 stanzas, and certain powers can also be invested in each stanza. Powers are divided into 3 types Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). Low types can only invested in stanzas 1-3, medium in stanzas 4-6 and High in stanzas 7-9. Low stanzas generally have simple effects, medium stanzas have stronger effects, and high stanzas have very strong effects. Some song powers need to be targetted and others will create a passive effect that stays around you. As a general rule, you will not be able to stack passive effects.
When playing a custom song, it always begins in stanza 1, each time you play the song, it progresses to the next stanza until the song ends or you change to another song or a certain amount of time elapses, whichever comes first. Note that before the time elapses, you can take other actions so long as you continue your performance before the time elapses.
When playing a custom song, it always begins in stanza 1, each time you play the song, it progresses to the next stanza until the song ends or you change to another song or a certain amount of time elapses, whichever comes first. Note that before the time elapses, you can take other actions so long as you continue your performance before the time elapses.

|skillname = Sustain
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|syntax = SUSTAIN
|description = This ability will allow you to slow the music you are playing to imperceptible levels, effectively freezing the music in place.
| style="background:lightgreen"|Whenever you play a song, all the effects of the song (excluding targetted ones) up to whatever you've played are active as long as the song is playing, and each one will tick every ten seconds.  You can't control when each effect ticks relative to the others.  Thus, performing a song is more like raising defenses in advance than it is like attacking.

How long a song lasts from the last time it was played depends on your skill in [[Music]] and its specialization, and in [[Dramatics]], plus on your intelligence and charisma, and can be extended with a Tempo enchantment.
|skillname = Processional
Most song effects will impact only allies or enemies, and then, only those who are not deaf and not captivated by another bard.  Even you, yourself, won't be affected by your own song if you're deaf.
|cost = Stanza:    Low (1-3) <br>
Note that what is called a "stanza" here is really a single line, with a limit of 65 characters.  If you don't imbue a power into a stanza, it won't cost mana or ego when it's played, so you can use unimbued songs for performances.  Imbued stanzas will have a description when played that's impacted by the imbued power.
Note that you can change the imbued power in a stanza in a song already in progress, and the change will take effect immediately.  This does not consume equilibrium or balance.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>SUSTAIN</tt>
This ability will allow you to slow the music you are playing to imperceptible levels, effectively freezing the music in place.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|The purpose of sustaining your song is to freeze it so it's inactive (none of the effects will impact anyone) but is no longer ticking down to its time running out.  You can then reactivate it before you need it by playing a single stanza (or refraining, if you have the [[#Refrain|Refrain]] skill), which reactivates all the effects in all played stanzas instantly.
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = The processional is an inspiring introduction to any hymn. Your health and mana will regenerate slightly when hearing this sound. In addition, you will feel less tired, less hungry, and more sober.
The processional is an inspiring introduction to any hymn. When you and your allies hear this sound, your willpower and endurance will regenerate faster. Your health and mana will regenerate slightly as well.

|skillname = LoveCanticle
|cost = Stanza:    Low (1-3) <br>
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = By weaving the sound of [[Raziela]]'s voice, you and your allies who hear this music will find that you recover potion balance from health, mana and bromides potion faster than normal.
By weaving the sound of Raziela's voice, you and your allies who hear this music will find that you recover potion balance from health, mana and bromides potion faster than normal.

|skillname = DiscordantChord
|syntax = PLAY DISCORDANTCHORD <target>
|cost = Power: Variable (Any) <br>
Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = The discordant chord is tuned to especially harm those ears which are already suffering the tonal ailments of a musician, doing greater damage the greater the number of these afflictions the victim has. The power cost is 2 power for each affliction the victim has from among: [[manabarbs]], [[egovice]], and an [[Achromaticaura|achromatic aura]]. If the hapless victim suffers all three of these tonal disorders, and [[powerspikes]], their suffering shall be grievous indeed - losing half their mana and ego in addition to immense pain.<br><br>
If you have an [[Music#Octave|octave]] active in the room, its magical ability to block the curing of auric ailments will prevent then from being consumed by the discordant chord. Additionally, it will increase the damage of your chord for no extra power cost.

|skillname = HopesCarol
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Stanza: Low (1-3) <br>
Targetable: No <br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PLAY DISCORDANTCHORD <target></tt>
Damage Modifier: 1/8 cold, fire, poison and electricity resistance
|description = The beauty of [[Shakiniel]]'s voice can be imbued into your hymns, which offers protection to you and your allies who hear this music. The protection extends to most forms of elemental damage, including fire, cold, electricity, and poison.
|style="background:pink"|Power: Variable (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Magic<br/>
Damage Source: Magical

The discordant chord is tuned to especially harm those ears which are already suffering the tonal ailments of a musician, doing greater damage the greater the number of these afflictions the victim has. The power cost is 2 power for each affliction the victim has from among: manabarbs, powerspikes, egovice, and an achromatic aura. If the hapless victim suffers all four of these tonal disorders, their suffering shall be grievous indeed - losing half their mana and ego in addition to immense pain.
|skillname = StarLight
|cost = Stanza:    Low (1-3) <br>
Targetable: No
|description = The sound of the stars has a disturbing effect on your enemies. When they hear it, they will have a chance of being afflicted with either [[sensitivity]], [[pox]], or [[vomiting]].

If you have an octave active in the room, its magical ability to block the curing of auric ailments will prevent then from being consumed by the discordant chord. Additionally, it will increase the damage of your chord for no extra power cost.
|skillname = Refrain
|syntax = PERFORM REFRAIN <song> [<target>]
|description = Instead of moving forward in the stanzas of a song, you can repeat the last stanza you performed as a refrain. You can refrain as many times as you desire.

|skillname = Reprise
|syntax = PLAY REPRISE
|cost = Power:  1 (any) <br>
|description = By reprising your melodies and harmonies, you can take your song back one stanza.

|skillname = StarChord
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Low (1-3)<br/>
|syntax = PLAY STARCHORD <target>
Targetable: No<br/>
|cost = Damage Type: 50% Divinus, 50% Fire <br>
Damage Modifier: 10
Damage Source: Magical <br>
Can Target Denizens <br>
|description = This chord is similar to [[Music#MinorSecond|minor second]], except it vibrates to the martial energies of [[Celestia]], calling forth Holy Fire.
The beauty of Shakiniel's voice can be imbued into your hymns, which offers protection to you and your allies who hear this music. The protection extends to most forms of elemental damage, including fire, cold and electricity.

|skillname = MercifulSanctus
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:     Low (1-3)<br/>
|cost = Stanza:   Low (1-3) <br>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = [[Japhiel]] shows mercy upon you, and when your enemies hear the sound of his voice, they will find that they recover potion balance from health, mana and bromides potion slower than normal.
The sound of the stars has a disturbing effect on your enemies. When they hear it, they will have a chance of being afflicted with either sensitivity, sunallergy, or vomiting.

|skillname = CrusaderCanto
|cost = Stanza:    Mid (4-6) <br>
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
Targetable: Yes
|description = Upon a crusade against the evil, [[Methrenton]] will lend you his voice, and when you hear it the holy flames of Holy Celestia will surround you, growing from orange to white over time. When you are ready to punish your enemy, simply call the crusader canto down upon them.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PERFORM REFRAIN <song> [<target>]</tt>
Instead of moving forward in the stanzas of a song, you can repeat the last stanza you performed as a refrain. You can refrain as many times as you desire.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Refraining allows you to keep a song going without running out of stanzas to play, and also can be used to repeatedly use a targetted power.
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No
Japhiel shows mercy upon you, and when your enemies hear the sound of his voice, they will find that they recover potion balance from health, mana and bromides potion slower than normal.

|skillname = LightCantata
|cost = Stanza:    Mid (4-6) <br>
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Mid (4-6)<br/>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = When the light of [[Elohora]] is woven into your music, an angelic choir will join your hymn. Those enemies who hear the sound of the choir will be [[blind]]ed and bow before the might of the light. If they are under the effects of an afterimage, they will suffer [[confusion]] and [[epilepsy]].
|notes = Afterimage is an effect of [[Glamours#Flare|Flare (Glamours)]] which removes the target's [[blind]]ness and prevents targets from putting up [[Discernment#Sixthsense|sixthsense]].
Upon a crusade against the evil, Methrenton will lend you his voice, and when you hear it the holy flames of Holy Celestia will surround you, growing from orange to white over time. While driven by this holy mandate, you will sear your enemies to burning flames whenever you damage them.

|skillname = CaptiveAudience
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Mid (4-6)<br/>
Targetable: No
|description = This will affect all allies and enemies in the room who can hear and are not already captivated by a bard. Those who are captivated will only pay attention to your songs and thus will only be affected (either negatively or positively) by your song effects. [[Music#BlankNote|Blanknote]] or [[Music#BlankChord|Blankchord]] will break the captivation.
When the light of Elohora is woven into your music, an angelic choir will join your hymn. Those enemies who hear the sound of the choir will be blinded and bow before the might of the light.

|skillname = CelestOde
|cost = Stanza:    Mid (4-6) <br>
Targetable: No <br>
Damage Modifier: 1/8 universal increase
|description = This rousing music will inspire the citizens of [[New Celest]] to greater heights, causing the damage they do to be increased. This powerful sound was inspired by the lyrics of "Ode to New Celest" by Raflein, the first guildmaster and founder of the guild.

|skillname = GuardianAngel
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Power: 2 (Pool of Stars)
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>CAPTIVATE AUDIENCE</tt>
This will effect all allies and enemies in the room who can hear and are not already captivated by a bard. Those who are captivated will only pay attention to your songs and thus will only be affected (either negatively or positively) by your song effects. Blanknote or Blankchord will break the captivation.

Requires: At least two of the following songs:
|description = Sing this song and you will summon an angel to guard you from harm, granting 3/10 universal damage resistance for a short period of time. However, your song will turn back by one stanza.

|skillname = AngelSong
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Mid (4-6)<br/>
|cost = Stanza:    Mid (4-6) <br>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = Any angel who hears this song will be inspired to vanquish the forces of evil, attacking at a faster rate than normal.
This rousing music will inspire the citizens of New Celest to greater heights, causing the damage they do to be increased. This powerful sound was inspired by the lyrics of "Ode to New Celest" by Raflein, the first guildmaster and founder of the guild.

|skillname = PrincessFarewell
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|cost = Stanza:     High (7-9) <br>
Targetable: Yes <br>
| style="background:lightgreen"|Affects all Celestians who can hear it, even if they're unallied or enemied.
Power:     3 (Pool of Stars)
|description = Before [[Princess Marilynth]], the last [[Vernal God]]dess, sacrificed herself to save [[Celestia]] and the [[Water (Plane)|elemental plane of water]] from [[the Taint]], she sang one bittersweet note in farewell. That note can be captured in your hymn and those who hear it may be caught up in that longlost memory. As the mind replays what it has experienced before, so too will your victims relive the experience of certain attacks for a short time following this attack.
[[#StarLight|Starlight]], [[#CrusaderCanto|CrusaderCanto]], [[#StarChord|Starchord]], [[Glamours#ColourSpray|ColourSpray]]/[[Glamours#ColourBurst|Burst]], [[Glamours#RainbowPattern|RainbowPattern]], [[Tarot#Warrior|Warrior]], [[Dramaturgy#Pratfall|Pratfall]], and [[#AvengingAngel|AvengingAngel]] will all trigger twice or have their effectiveness roughly doubled while the victim is suffering from these echoes. If AvengingAngel is on target, [[#JustChorale|JustChorale]] will also be
twice as powerful.
|notes = Afflicts with [[Echoes]].

|skillname = JustChorale
|cost = Stanza: High (7-9) <br>
Targetable: No
|description = The [[Holy Supernals]] of Celestia shall judge the unworthy, casting down your enemies' souls into torment and misery.

|skillname = AvengingAngel
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Mid (4-6)<br/>
Targetable: No
|cost = Power: 3 (Pool of Stars)
Any angel who hears this song will be inspired to vanquish the forces of evil, attacking at a faster rate than normal.

Requires: At least four of the following songs-<br>
|description = Sing this song and you will summon an angel to bring harm to your foe. However, it will cause you to fade two stanzas.

|skillname = Encore
|style="background:pink"|Power:     3 (Pool of Stars)<br/>
Stanza:    High (7-9)<br/>
|cost = Power: 3 (Any)
Targetable: Yes
|description = By playing an encore performance, you will speed quickly through your song at a faster tempo - your recovery of equilibrium when playing songs will be halved.
Before Princess Marilynth, the last Vernal Goddess, sacrificed herself to save Celestia and the elemental plane of water from the Taint, she sang one bittersweet note in farewell. That note can be captured in your hymn and those who hear it may be caught up in that longlost memory.

|skillname = Recessional
|cost = Stanza:     High (7-9) <br>
Targetable: No  
|style="background:pink"|Stanza: High (7-9)<br/>
|description = When your enemies hear the recessional, which is the winding down of the hymn, they will be loathe to disturb it by eating, drinking, and smoking steam.
Targetable: No
The Holy Supernals of Celestia shall judge the unworthy, casting down your enemies' souls into torment and misery.

|skillname = EverSea
|cost = Stanza:    High (7-9) <br>
Targetable: No
|description = When your music is heard by the oceans and rivers, they become infused with the power of the stars. Any enemies who hear this music will find the waters prevent them from raising magical protections.

|skillname = AngelicHost
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = 10 (Pool of Stars)  
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ENCORE PERFORMANCE</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 5 (Any)
By playing an encore performance, you will speed quickly through your song at a faster tempo - your recovery of equilibrium when playing songs will be halved.

Requires: At least five of the following songs-
|description = Sing this song and you will summon an angelic host who will carry the soul of a fallen comrade back into life. The power of this effect is such that your song will immediately end.

|skillname = Requiem
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    High (7-9)<br/>
|cost = Stanza:    High (7-9) <br>
Targetable: No
Targetable: Yes <br>
Power:      3 (Pool of Stars)
|description = By singing the requiem for the dead in honour of an enemy, you will be joined by an angelic choir who will lead that enemy unto death if he or she is still living. Once you start the killing note, you can do nothing that will disrupt the song.
When your enemies hear the recessional, which is the winding down of the hymn, they will be loathe to disturb it by eating and drinking, and there will be a chance that they find themselves unable to do either.
[[Category: Class Skills]]
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    High (7-9)<br/>
Targetable: No
When your music is heard by the oceans and rivers, they become infused with the power of the stars. Any enemies who hear this music will find the waters prevent them from raising magical protections.
|style="background:pink"|Power:      3 (Pool of Stars)<br/>
Stanza:    High (7-9)<br/>
Targetable: Yes
By singing the requiem for the dead in honour of an enemy, you will be joined by an angelic choir who will lead that enemy unto death if he or she is still living. Once you start the killing note, you can do nothing that will disrupt the song.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Any action disrupts the attack, which takes eight seconds and has two messages before the final (and fatal) third message.  If the victim is gone or deaf at any of these messages the song will fail.
